Jackass Investing Don't do it Profit from it eBook Michael Dever Herunterladen Jackass%20Investing%20Don%26%2339t%20do%20it%20Profit%20from%20it%20eBook%20Michael%20Dever
Herunterladen Jackass Investing Don't do it Profit from it eBook Michael Dever FRA
Jackass Investing is as provocative as its title. Mike Dever systematically rips apart the conventional investment wisdom - myth by myth - then replaces it with a "return driver" based methodology that results in a "Free Lunch" portfolio - one that produces both greater returns and lower risk. More than ten years in the making, and supported by the twin pillars of extensive research and more than 30 years of trading experience, this book finally lays to rest the traditional investment paradigm.
Perhaps most importantly, the book is also highly practical. As a bonus, the author has created a companion web site that includes specific actions you can take to turn your "Poor-folio" into a truly diversified portfolio - one that can make you money in even the harshest environments. This is certainly the one book that will transform your way of thinking about money and how you invest it.
ebook,Michael Dever,Jackass Investing Don't do it. Profit from it.,Ignite LLC,NON-CLASSIFIABLE
Jackass Investing Don't do it Profit from it eBook Michael Dever Reviews :
Perhaps most importantly, the book is also highly practical. As a bonus, the author has created a companion web site that includes specific actions you can take to turn your "Poor-folio" into a truly diversified portfolio - one that can make you money in even the harshest environments. This is certainly the one book that will transform your way of thinking about money and how you invest it.
ebook,Michael Dever,Jackass Investing Don't do it. Profit from it.,Ignite LLC,NON-CLASSIFIABLE
Jackass Investing Don't do it. Profit from it. - edition by Michael Dever. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Jackass Investing Don't do it. Profit from it..
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